Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ludington Lighthouse

Good day to all:

Instead of going to the Manistee Forest to hike and go on the suspension bridge, we decided to stay local and go 45 minutes west to Lake Michigan. There is a little town called Ludington. The state park is nothing but sand dunes. The place is really scenic, and it's interesting that the lake has sand (most of the time we see it at the ocean). Anyhow, this is the lighthouse at the end (about 2K feet just to get there). So LH, I got a good bit of my steps today.

So here is the lighthouse and some pics of the coast. We are taking it easy today because tomorrow is a travel day. We head near Macinaw to Wilderness State Park. We will be there a few days, too. The weather is a little cooler. Today it's a scorcher:  82 degrees. Wow! The night's low is about 50. Yeah, life is tough here. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your pics! Our weather has been nice during the day but severe thunderstorms at night. Keep blogging!!