Sunday, October 13, 2013

I'm Only Happy When It Rains...NOT!

Another rainy, misty, foggy day in the mountains. We drove on the BRPky for a little bit, and saw some wild turkeys (the non-alcoholic kind). They might be getting a little skittish, seeing as how it's over 6 weeks till Thanksgiving. Ha ha ha! There were at least 5 or 6, but my camera only allowed me to take this one clearly.

Nature's clean up crew (turkey buzzards hanging out over a squirrel carcass--lovely).

And G posted this on FB:  no matter how much you pay for the trailer, this still shows you are white trash (giggle giggle). I say, Why paint the peacock?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Airstream Exclusive

Hi all!

We are enjoying the Columbus Day weekend camping in the beautiful mountains of Virginia in a place called Copper Hill. We are at 3000ft elevation. The weather is less than desirable, but we are surrounded by beautiful colors and nothing but Airstreams. This is an Airstream-only campsite. We get state park rates (about $27/night) with full hookups. Oh yeah, this is the way to go. Here are some pics.

Our site is here.
Some wild turkeys just over the hill.
They say there's bears here. If only the mist and rain would lift, we'd see a great view of the valley.
Maybe tomorrow we'll get sunshine. Enjoy!